The sequel to the popular comedy Baby's Day Out, the film continued the story of a babysitter, played by David Moscow. The TV trailer for Baby's Day Out 3 was released in early 2016. The third installment in the "Baby's Day" franchise has been described as an "old-school family film with a Hollywood hero." Once again focusing on the misadventures of an infant left in charge of his younger brother while their mother is out for her day job. This time around he escapes from home and sets off on new adventures before returning home safely.. You may also click here to watch this video: com/watch?v=Q8WJCDm7j2M The film was released on 10 November 2016. The first teaser of the film was released on 29 October 2016. Baby's Day Out 3 (2016) is the third installment in the Baby's Day Out film series. It premiered at Shankar Mahadevan movie Talkies, Bangalore on 8 December 2016. The story revolves around the misadventures of an infant left in charge of his younger brother while their mother is out for her day job. He escapes from home and sets off on new adventures before returning home safely.. You may also click here to watch this video: https://youtu. be/cX0jrjmP4ke The film was released on 9 December 2016. Baby's Day Out 4 (2018) is the fourth installment in the Baby's Day Out film series. It premiered at Shankar Mahadevan movie Talkies, Bangalore on 12 January 2018. The story revolves around the misadventures of an infant left in charge of his younger brother while their mother is out for her day job. He escapes from home and sets off on new adventures before returning home safely.. You may also click here to watch this video: be The film was released on 12 January 2018. The first teaser of the film was released on 10 November 2016. Baby's Day Out: The Musical is a musical based on Baby's Day Out. It premiered at Shankar Mahadevan movie Talkies, Bangalore on 11 October 2018. The story revolves around the misadventures of an infant left in charge of his younger brother while their mother is out for her day job. He escapes from home and sets off on new adventures before returning home safely.. You may also click here to watch this video: com/watch?v=xSJ1eJlRl2w The film was released on 11 October 2018. The first teaser of the film was released on 10 November 2016. Baby's Day Out: The Musical (2018) is a musical based on Baby's Day Out (2016) and Baby's Day Out 3 (2016). It premiered at Shankar Mahadevan movie Talkies, Bangalore on 8 December 2018. The story revolves around the misadventures of an infant left in charge of his younger brother while their mother is out for her day job. He escapes from home and sets off on new adventures before returning home safely.. 8eeb4e9f32 48
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